海外升學2024|認可香港中學文憑考試HKDSE資歷的外國大學 英國、美國篇 - Education/Education.Admission/Education.All Education - 2024-01-09
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海外升學2024|認可香港中學文憑考試HKDSE資歷的外國大學 英國、美國篇

9th January, 2024| In Education / Admission / All Education



1. 中國內地


2. 澳洲及紐西蘭


3. 歐洲


4. 其他亞洲地區


5. 台灣


6. 英國


7. 美國及加拿大






1. Abertay University
2. Aberystwyth University
3. Anglia Ruskin University
4. Arts University Bournemouth
5. ARU College
6. Bangor University
7. Bath Academy
8. Bath Spa University
9. Birkbeck, University of London
10. Birmingham City University
11. Birmingham City University International College
12. Brunel University
13. Cardiff University
14. City University London
15. Coventry University
16. De Montfort University
17. Durham University
18. Edge Hill University
19. Falmouth University
20. Glasgow Caledonian University
21. Glasgow International College
22. Goldsmiths, University of London
23. Gower College Swansea
24. Heriot-Watt University
25. Institute of Education, University College London
26. International College Portsmouth, University of Portsmouth
27. Kaplan International Colleges
28. Keele University
29. King's College London
30. Kingston University London
31. Lancaster University
32. Leeds Arts University
33. Leeds Beckett University
34. Leeds Conservatoire
35. Liverpool Hope University
36. Liverpool International College
37. Liverpool John Moores University
38. London Metropolitan University
39. London School of Business and Management
40. London School of Economics and Political Science
41. London South Bank University
42. Loughborough University
43. Manchester Metropolitan University
44. Middlesex University
45. New College of the Humanities
46. Newcastle University
47. Northumbria University
48. Norwich University of the Arts
49. Nottingham Trent International College
50. Nottingham Trent University
51. Oxford Brookes University
52. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
53. Queen Mary, University of London
54. Queen's University Belfast
55. Robert Gordon University
56. Royal Holloway, University of London
57. Royal Veterinary College
58. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
59. Sheffield Hallam University
60. Southampton Solent University
61. St George's, University of London
62. St Mary’s University, Twickenham
63. Staffordshire University
64. Swansea University
65. The College, Swansea University
66. The School of Pharmacy, University of London
67. The University of Derby
68. The University of Edinburgh
69. The University of Law
70. The University of Manchester
71. The University of Nottingham
72. The University of Nottingham International College
73. The University of Sheffield
74. The University of Surrey
75. The University of Warwick
76. The University of Winchester
77. Tresham College
78. Ulster University
79. University College Birmingham
80. University College London
81. University College of Estate Management
82. University of Aberdeen
83. University of Bath
84. University of Birmingham
85. University of Bradford
86. University of Brighton
87. University of Brighton International College
88. University of Bristol
89. University of Cambridge
90. University of Central Lancashire
91. University of Chichester
92. University of Dundee
93. University of East Anglia
94. University of Essex
95. University of Exeter
96. University of Glasgow
97. University of Gloucestershire
98. University of Greenwich
99. University of Hertfordshire
100. University of Hull
101. University of Kent
102. University of Leeds
103. University of Leicester
104. University of Lincoln
105. University of Liverpool
106. University of Plymouth
107. University of Portsmouth
108. University of Reading
109. University of South Wales
110. University of Southampton
111. University of St Andrews
112. University of Stirling
113. University of Strathclyde
114. University of Suffolk
115. University of Sussex
116. University of the West of England
117. University of West London
118. University of Westminster
119. University of Worcester
120. University of York
121. University of York International Pathway College
122. UWE Bristol’s International College


1. Abilene Christian University
2. American University
3. Augustana College
4. Beloit College
5. Binghamton University
6. Boise State University
7. Colorado State University
8. Creighton University
9. Gordon College
10. Hillsborough Community College
11. Indiana University - Kokomo
12. Iowa State University
13. James Madison University
14. Kent State University
15. Loyola University Chicago
16. Luther College
17. Miami University (Ohio)
18. New York Film Academy
19. New York University
20. Northwestern University
21. Ohio Wesleyan University
22. Oregon State University
23. Pacific Lutheran University
24. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
25. Savannah College of Art and Design
26. St. Ambrose University
27. Tennessee Technological University
28. The Ohio State University
29. The State University of New York at Oneonta
30. The University of Arizona
31. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
32. Troy University
33. Tufts University
34. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
35. University of Colorado Denver
36. University of Kansas
37. University of La Verne
38. University of Massachusetts Boston
39. University of Missouri - Kansas City
40. University of South Florida
41. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
42. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
43. Wartburg College
44. Wentworth Institute of Technology
45. Widener University
46. Wittenberg University
47. Yale University


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