Account Manager / Senior Account Manager - - 2018-09-20
Health & Beauty
Inspiration & Lifestyle
HK Parents Award

Account Manager / Senior Account Manager

20th September, 2018|

About Champimom

We're redefining the future of media. Join us!

Champimom is a fast-growing modern media company that connects with our passionate audiences through premium quality content, useful tools, and resources.  We aim to empower smart parents to make informed and wise decisions throughout their parenting journeys.

We are currently seeking a high-caliber Account Manager / Senior Account Manager to cope with our rapid expansion.

  • Prospecting, identifying and acquiring new customers for selling digital products and integrated services

  • Develop and implement various consultative sales strategies

  • Establish and maintain close communication channels and good relationship with media/advertising agencies and customers

  • Work as a team player - be active, passionate, helpful and enthusiastic

  • University graduate with at least 6 years of media sales or account servicing experience (candidates with more experience will be considered for the higher position)

  • Experience in digital media and/or through-the-line agency will be a definite advantage

  • Confident, aggressive, outgoing & pleasant

  • Must be numerate and have strong attention to detail

  • Well-organized and able to work under pressure

  • Ability to achieve results while working independently

  • Excellent organizational and interpersonal communication skills

  • Fluent in Cantonese and English

  • Opportunity to work in a fast-paced and creative environment

  • 5 days Work + Public Holidays

  • Professional Training

  • Excellent career prospects in the exciting digital marketing industry

We offer excellent remuneration package to the successful candidate.  Interested candidates please send us your full resume with current and expected remuneration package & available date to

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